Thursday, November 17, 2011

Autumn Leaves

For more than a week now I was planning to take photos of some autumn leaves. I just enjoyed the change of color from green to yellow to orange to red. Sometimes one can find all the colors at the same time on one tree. This made me search for leaves which exhibit a gradual change from yellow to red. However, I forgot about it for nearly a week and all the leaves that I collected previously dried and the colors faded a bit.
Today at work I discussed with a friend about capturing details in images. This reminded me to attempt the leaf shots today, but instead of focusing on rich colors I tried to achieve the greatest detail possible (for me anyways) in some of the pictures (particularly the first and second images below).

Here we go:

  High contrast black&white, showing great detail

High contrast color with moderate split toning

A beautiful red leaf, natural color and contrast

Nice color gradient, natural color and contrast

A handheld shot taken with low f-stop and fairly narrow depth of field


  1. Wow, I can see so much detail on the leaves! I personally like the one with natural color gradient and contrast.

  2. They look like magnificent mysteries to me and I was surprized how I could be enraptured by the beauty of a single leaflet. Please keep up this work!
