Tuesday, July 23, 2013

BMW World

Can you guess whats the most visited tourist site in Bavaria? The Alps?... Castle Neuschwanstein?... Nope. Its the BMW World!
Time for a night out with only me and the camera :-)

Although most people may enter the building through the front door, the back entrance has its charms.

The colorfully lit rolling ceiling resembles cloud formations. Due to the contrast of thick structure and abundant glass facades, the roof looks very bold and lightweight at the same time.

The following picture is somewhat of an experiment of mine. It's actually a panorama made of 36 single shots: 12 angles with 3 exposures each. After blending it all together, this was the final result. With the full moon behind the building it came out looking pretty unreal, but I like the effort :-)

Now to my personal favorite of the night: the three landmarks of BMW in one picture. The photo is just tack sharp.

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