Thursday, June 14, 2012

UMD Early Morning (color)

As promised, here are a few HDR pictures taken from the UMD campus early morning in color.
They are mainly the same pictures seen in the last post... in color.

Here we go:

The UMD main gate

The "M" circle

View from the "M" circle towards the main gate

View of the UMD mall fountain towards the administration building.


  1. This picture is amazing! I recently moved into an apartment and i've been looking for something worthy to be used as a centerpiece in my living room. Could I please use your image, thanks :)

    1. Thank you, that is very kind of you. If you can leave your email address and the picture your are interested in, I will send you a high resolution version. The images in this blog have a severly reduced resolution and might look pretty pixelated when printed in a bigger format.

  2. Hi Mag, I love the photos! Would you mind if I used one in my apartment? I would love to get a high resolution version of the M Circle image to blow up for my wall. My email address is Thanks! Chris

  3. Hi Mag, I love the photos! Would you mind if I used one in my apartment? I would love to get a high resolution version of the M Circle image to blow up for my wall. My email address is Thanks! Chris
